The President of Mongolia Ukhnaa Khurelsukh announced Mongolia’s plan to plant a billion trees by 2030, when he delivered a statement at the General Debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, on September 22, 2021. In his statement, President U. Khurelsukh called to combine the fight against climate change with achievements of the modern science and technology as well as best practices and the traditional experiences, drawing lessons from the Mongolian traditional “nomadic civilization” to respect and treat the nature deferentially. Following the President Khurelsukh’s announcement, “Billion Trees” movement was officially launched on October 4, 2021 throughout Mongolia. The timing of the nationwide tree planting campaign is right, as almost 80 percent of Mongolia’s land is affected by desertification and there is an urgent need to pay more attention to environmental rehabilitation.

Citizens, business entities and organizations across the country have joined the “Billion Trees” movement. Major mining companies in Mongolia will take the lead in the movement, by signing a deal to plant a total of 608.5 million trees by 2030. For example, state-owned Erdenet Mining Corporation has pledged to plant 100 million trees over the next 10 years, and the Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi joint stock company has agreed to plant 176 million trees by 2030.

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