The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Mongolia, H.E.Mr. EvsikovAlexey Nikolaevich visited to ISS
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The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Mongolia, H.E.Mr. EvsikovAlexey Nikolaevich visited to ISS

The Institute for Strategic Studies of the National Security Council welcomed the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Mongolia, Evsikov Alexey Nikolaevich  to the Institute’s “Ambassador hour”…

The Resident Coordinator of the United Nations to Mongolia, Mr. Tapan Mishra visited to ISS
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The Resident Coordinator of the United Nations to Mongolia, Mr. Tapan Mishra visited to ISS

The Institute for Strategic Studies of the National Security Council welcomed the Resident coordinator of the United Nations to Mongolia H.E Mr. Tapan Mishra to the Institute’s “Ambassador hour” roundtable discussion….