The President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa has welcomed Head of the Holy See Pope Francis, who is paying a State Visit to Mongolia from August 31 to September 4, 2023 at the Sukhbaatar Square in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Head of the Holy See Pope Francis is paying the State Visit to Mongolia at the invitation of the President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa as the first high level visit from the Holy See to Mongolia.

President Khurelsukh Ukhnaa and Head of the Holy See Pope Francis held a face-to-face meeting and made a public address during the State Visit. The Chairman of the State Great Khural G. Zandanshatar, and the Prime Minister of Mongolia L. Oyun-Erdene paid a courtesy call on His Holiness Pope Francis.  

The Pope met with Catholic bishops, priests, missionaries, religious officials, and leaders and representatives of religious institutions in Mongolia. His Holiness also inaugurated a charity center – the House of Mercy – and met with staff and volunteers of the organization. 

The Apostolic Journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Mongolia has become a historic visit, which is expected to have an impact on strengthening and expanding the 800-year relations and cooperation between Mongolia and the Vatican City State. 

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